Veggie to the Table

2021 Web University Project


This project aimed to identify a small task which greatly impacts our environment. Veggie to the Table seeks to inform users about the benefits of growing a vegetable garden and the polluting and detrimental effects of buying from your local supermarket can do to the environment and your health. It provides a detailed guide on when to plant and harvest vegetables and information on how to care for your little garden.

You might now be thinking, 'I'm not harming the environment by buying vegetables from the supermarket, that's silly!" However, what many of us don't realise is by doing this we increase our carbon footprint. How do you think those vegetables got to the supermarket in the first place? By foot? I don't think so, most of our fresh produce is delivered to our supermarket by a delivery truck. Before then some may even travel overseas by plane. All of which leaves a big stain on our carbon emissions. Veggie to the Table wants to change that. Get you outdoors, enjoy the sun and decrease the harm we are unknowingly doing the environment.